Sunday, December 4, 2011

Turkish Coffee with a Hint of Cardamom

This is what fills my French Press these mornings; it's quite tasty. They don't seem to have half & half, as such. It's a bit of a challenge to find cream for my coffee, and what I've found comes in plastic containers that resemble ones that contain yogurt, sort of.

The alarm wakes me at 5:20 am. Coffee has been prepared the night before. In this apartment there is an electric kettle, which is total genius. A glass of hot lemon water goes done while the hot water steeps some flavor out of those coarse little granules, and I scurry to prepare myself. Teeth brushed, tongue scraped, and at least a little color on my face. Then, it's a mad dash to Skype my honey, check email, and peruse Facebook.

Raju picks me up at around 6:15 am, and I get to Oasis Center by 6:40 ish. The employees at the Center lay the mats out, and I often rearrange them just so. The ipod plugs directly into the wall, and their sound system speakers are hidden in the ceiling, I guess. We don't have lots of yoga props, but many of the students have brought some blocks and blankets.

Class goes essentially from 7 am to 4:30 pm, with a few breaks. I get 'home' by around 5:15 pm, or so, which is a pretty full day.

The training is almost complete, in that we conclude on Saturday. What's still difficult to wrap my mind around is that we still have about 40 hours together! The students have traveled quite a distance on their yoga path, and I'm feeling quite good about the foundation we have established together. They have teaching practice on Friday, in which half of them are teaching a full class while the other half practices; after the break, the roles switch for a different sequence.
They have all grown as yoga practitioners and are budding teachers, but what has also grown has been a community of tremendous support, respect and love. Yoga truly is for everyBODY, and may be the force that can indeed unite the world.

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